In these days after the celebration of Jesus' resurrection on Easter, April 16th, it is time for us to rise up into a new level of I Am or Christ consciousness. It is time to link with Christ Jesus as he appears in the "upper room" of our superconscious awareness.
In my case, this rising above the past and my mortal limitations was symbolized in my dream of April 19th. In it, several of my close friends and fellow light workers and I entered a meeting room on the third, top floor of a school or learning institute. The room was an auditorium. As I was walking down the aisle to get to my seat, a hundred or more other truth students joined us, whom I did not know but with whom I felt an intimate bond. From within, I felt that I should levitate in order to inspire the others, so I did so, rising maybe ten feet, moving around slowly and in full control above the others, several of whom warmly applauded my demonstration. One of them called upon me to rise still higher, and although I was somewhat tired I did so, rising up to the ceiling that was maybe twenty feet above the floor, and staying there awhile. When I came back down, I felt well grounded and balanced, and went and sat in the front row, while a group of six or seven spiritual guides or teachers sat off to the left of me. We were all gathered together in the auditorium to learn how to build and bring forth a new vehicle or car. As I awoke, we were waiting for an ascended master or masters to appear on the stage before us to begin our new instructions.
By way of interpretation, I took this dream as a subconscious signal that it is time, and that I am ready, to rise anew above my past soul-mortal imbalances into a higher level of I Am consciousness, to renew and regenerate my four lower bodies as represented by the car with its four wheels. The new vehicle also represents my light or etheric or Christ body.
For the last sixteen months, I have been in a crucifixion cycle of deep soul review, reevaluation and reprogramming, of looking at past patterns from this entire lifetime, healthy and unhealthy, which are carryovers to some degree from my past lifetimes. Now it is time to rise above the past dis-eases and imbalances, to begin anew, to be my I Am or Christ Self, the child of God that I Am. Of course, I am not expecting to actually levitate, but I am intent on rising into a new level of wholeness and healing and harmony.
And, I am not alone in this renewal, regeneration and rebirth. For in my dream, a symbolic hundred or more fellow light workers, of this and other realms no doubt, gathered to learn the next new steps in bringing forth this new vehicle. Our spiritual guides and teachers were there with us. You and I and scores of light workers the world over, in the higher astral planes and in the etheric realms, are part of this interdimensional teamwork for bringing forth healing, peace and love on our beloved Earth.
We rise together as one into the upper room of our I Am consciousness, where Christ Jesus and other ascended masters meet with us, teach us and inspire us. We begin anew. So be it!