When we receive new images in dream or vision, by way of our Christ power of imagination and thalamus, we are wise to ask for and to await confirmation and explanation. If we have received clearly and correctly, we have additional dreams, meditations, visions, flow throughs of new thoughts, and outer signs that prove that what we initially were given came clearly from Spirit. Each such new receiving is like a piece in a puzzle, a facet of a diamond, which when viewed together give a clear, confirmed, verified picture. Only then can we proceed with such a new healing image or share it with others.
This last spring, as I have written in earlier blogs 40-42 (go to http://healinghaven.typepad.com), I received that with the anchoring of a downward pointing pyramid of light into and through an upward pointing pyramid of light, a crystal clear cube forms at and around our third eye. Before receiving this, I never had read about or conceived of such a specific possibility, although I had perceived this in more general terms. Since the image of the cube was so unique and new, I repeatedly asked Spirit and the agents of Spirit for confirmation.
One piece of the puzzle came with my dream in which I was told that I had the eye of Daniel the Prophet, which I shared in my blog #42. This meant that my inner or all-seeing or third eye was crystal clear in the same sense or way that it was with Daniel. Daniel comes from the word Dan that means "wisdom and judgment"; and from the word El that means "of the Elohim, the Elder Race or Consciousness, or God." The I in Daniel, to me, represents the imagination faculty that expresses via the third eye and thalamus. Wisdom-judgment externalizess via the third eye and pituitary gland. Imagination and wisdom-judgment work very closely together.
On March 23, 2010, I dreamt that I was in my home town of Dansville, New York, about 50 miles south of Rochester, New York. To the west of Dansville, about 10 miles up in the hills at the peak of the highest hill, I had purchased about 40 acres of virgin land, had bulldozed a road there, and now with my helpers and co-workers was constructing a new Healing Haven center, a branch of Healing Haven headquarters here in Tennessee. The new building was about 40 feet square and high, thus in the form of a cube, made of rock at its foundation/basement that was below ground, and logs above ground. The roof was green. The whole shell of the building had been finished and now work was being done to finish the inside. End of dream.
By way of interpretation, this is the latest in a long series of dreams going back 30-40 years, in which I revisit my hometown, remodel the two homes in which I lived as a child and adolescent, and build new homes. The different component in the above, latest dream is the newness of the place, not in the town itself, but in a previously virgin area on a hill, meaning elevated consciousness. Moreover, note the theme one more time of the cube, since the house was more or less a cube, about half above ground and half below it. It was a healing center, hence its green roof. Moreover, Dansville originally was founded and named after a man named Daniel, hence the correlation with Daniel the Prophet. It would seem to indicate that in past lives and in this one, I have worked on the Daniel or wisdom aspect, as well as with imagination; and have come to a new and higher level.
On June 1, 2010, my spiritual teacher, Nada-Yolanda, who made her transition in 2005, came to see me. She was filled with light, enthusiasm and great joy, fairly bursting with the good news she had come to share with me. She took me to a hill in the nearby city of Rochester, New York, where I had gone to the University of Rochester. On this virgin, previously undeveloped hill, an incredible new building had been erected. It was about 40 feet square and high, and thus cube shaped, and built like a fortress. It had no windows or doors, and was covered by a super-tough black coating. From the top center of it arose a three-pole receiving and broadcasting tower. The center pole was the widest and tallest. The left pole was the next widest and tallest. The right pole was the narrowest and shortest. All three were fused together as one. The top pole was maybe 100 feet high. All three of the poles were covered with a thick black outer covering on their lower half. The upper half of the poles was silver colored with gold rings. I knew this was a new hieronics healing center/tower, for receiving higher frequencies broadcast to Earth from the higher planes, and for radiating these Christ healing energies out to others. I was to go inside and to learn how to use this equipment. Yet, stunned and surprised as I was by this, I exclaimed, "How much did this cost? A million dollars? How could I or Healing Haven afford this? End of dream.
Note as part of the interpretation that once again the building is in the form of a cube that is rock solid (as was the building above the town of Dansville). It was black and impenetrable to represent the protection necessary for its function. Intuitively, I knew the only way to enter it was to leave all my own personal, mortal desires behind, and to enter in the Emptiness, Void or Nothingingness. Then I would be able to pass through the outer fortress, via my crystal clear third eye/thalamus, into the inner workings of the broadcasting center.
The location is again on top of a hill. This is representative of the all-seeing third eye. Again it was virgin land, indicating its newness and uniqueness and crystal clarity, a clear receiving vessel. The three poles are those of the superconscious (center), subconscious (left) and conscious (right), unified and functioning as one tower. The black covering emphasizes the need for security and protection. The silver poles are of the purified soul and the gold rings are the radiations of the golden light body. The building is such a fortress to indicate that we must have a solid, impenetrable, unshakeable, fourquare foundation or anchor before we can work with the higher energies that are about to stream into the planet.
The city of Rochester originally was founded by Nathanael Rochester, after he had lived many years in my hometown of Dansville, NY. The name Nathanael is that of Jesus' disciple Nathanael, who portrayed the imagination faculty. The name Rochester means "rocky fortress," hence the rock of faith, and also the crystal clear rock of imagination, like unto a diamond. Talk about overlapping, confirming, multiple variations and depictions of the same spiritual guidance! Thank You, God.
Why the concern about the money? This is the mortal reaction, the fear that it is going to cost me far too much in the way of time, energy, devotion and discipline. As always in spiritual growth, with each new step, there is a price to pay. Surely, though, if we are willing, then Spirit supplies all the energy, guidance, determination, power and love that we need to take the next step. This does not mean it will be easy, but it does mean it is do-able, or Spirit would not have presented this opportunity. Therefore, forewarned is forearmed. For this have I and you and all light workers come.
Visualization: See yourself inside a pyarmic of light whose apex points upward. Imagine a similar sized pyramid above you, whose apex points downward. As the two pyramids merge, representing the unification of mortal and immortal, a crystal clear cube forms around your third eye. At first, it may be about 2 feet in width, length and height. Then it grows to 4 feet, 8 feet, 12 feet, and finally 40 feet. Be solidly encased and ensconsced in this 40 foot cube of light.
Imagine that you are building a new Healing Haven center of light. Where share you build it? Atop some nearby hill? In an area that has not been built upon previously? Let Spirit guide you to this place. See the building in the shape of a cube, with half of it below ground and half above ground, and with a green roof. The building is 40 foot square and 40 feet from the top floor to the basement floor. Be solidly centered in this new healing consciousness.
Affirm: I have the eye of Daniel the Prophet. I have a crystal clear third eye. I see clearly, I hear clearly, I know clearly what is true. I see the Christ in every other child of God. I receive new visions that foretell the future. I receive new healing energies that I radiate to all on Earth.
Picture yourself in a new hieronics healing center. It is a 40 foot cube. Its surface is pitch black, its walls of thick, impenetrable concrete. To enter it, you let go of the mortal and entered into the Emptiness, the blackness of the Void. You end up in the center of the cube, having passed through your crystal clear third eye. Rising from your third eye and crown chakra at the top of your head is a 100-high tower composed of three poles. Rise up the tower, receive Spirit's new guidance and healing energies. Radiate these out to others. Be a hieronic healing tower of power.
Practice all of these visualizations, one at a time, one after another, in any order that comes to you. Each one prepares you for your own unique experience. Each one is a universal, cosmic image that shows the way to your own crystal clear eye and receiving/sending faculty. Practice. Practice. Practice. Practice. A million times over. What you invest will come back to you multiplied exponentially. So be it.
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