Starting today, Monday, January 18, 2021, and continuing this whole week, we are going to focus on developing, purifying and demonstrating our Faith in/of our Mother. We are going to 1). perceive the Presence and Power of our Divine Mama; 2). believe in Her feminine faith; and 3). be it by programming it into our cerebral computer that transfers it to the rest of our body. By our Mother-of-God faith, our soul/subconscious/feelings will be healed and we will become a healing channel for our personal mother.
Father-Mother God
As described in the previous blog, God is one, indivisible, omnipresent. However, in creating manifestation, the Divine expresses by two polarities: the active, positive, male, mental polarity that we call Father; and the passive, negative, female, feeling polarity that we label Mother. Father God "ideates" or "speaks the word" to initiate the creation of manifestation. Mother God receives these mental affirmations and decrees, and clothes them in an equal amount of feeling or emotion (energy-in-motion). The combined mental-emotional substance then gestates in the Cosmic Womb of the Mother, until it is born as the Son or Daughter. The Word becomes flesh.
We see this cosmic, universal process demonstrated in physical reproduction. The father inserts his erect male organ (penis) into the female receptive organ (vagina). The father's semen contains thousands of sperm, one of which combines with the mother's ovum or egg. The sperm carries within it 23 chromosomes that have genes that encode genetic information in DNA. The ovum likewise contributes 23 chromosomes to make a total of 46 chromosomes in the fertilized ovum. Note that the father's number of chromosomes are equal to the mother's number of chromosomes. This symbolizes that the Father/father and Mother/mother are equal, even on the physical level; they are complementary polarities of One God Force.
Then the fertilized egg embeds itself in the mother's uterus (womb) where it gestates for approximately nine months before the child, boy or girl, is born. The child's gender is determined by whether the two sex chromosomes are XY (male) or XX (female). Please note that the vast majority of chromosomes (44) are genderless--we are thus both male and female other than a small part of us (2 chromosomes). We are a replica of Father-Mother God.
Thinker and Doer
In like manner, when we create anything on Earth, the Father principle supplies the "inspiration" that is based on universal, cosmic truths and principles. But, the Mother supplies the emotion or "perspiration", so to speak, to produce the creative project. For example, in writing a book, we have the creative idea to do so, which ideally is divinely inspired and is masculine. But it may take many months, years even, to actually do all the writing and get the book published; which is feminine love in action. (Of course, during this period, there may be more moments of Father/inspiration as to how to proceed.)
In this sense, we also can speak of the Father aspect of God as the positive polarity of Spirit as the "thinker", whereas the Mother aspect of God is the negative polarity of Spirit as the "doer". Spiritual thought put into spiritual action produces spiritual offspring.
In general, mankind traditionally has associated "doing" with the masculine side: men do and women are supportive, stay at home and raise the children. But, from the above perspective, we see that it is the feminine aspect in each of us--since we are both male/conscious mind and female/subconscious mind--that carries out the decrees of the conscious mind and puts them into motion, like in moving our body; thus, the feminine/soul/subconscious does the work. Moreover, any women who has raised a family knows how much work is involved; and especially today when most women have a job/career and a family, this old, traditional way of seeing women has changed.
Male-Female Polarity of Cerebrum
Even our cerebrum, the organ corresponding to the faith faculty, demonstrates this male-female polarity: our brain has two cerebral hemispheres. The left cerebral hemisphere is the primary site of our conscious mind activities, and via nerve fibers coming from it which cross at the base of the brain, it controls the right or symbolic male side of the body. The right cerebral hemisphere (shown to the right, shaded) is the principal programming center for our subconscious mind, feeling nature and soul, and when nerve tracts from it cross over at the base of our brain, it controls the left or symbolic feminine side of our body.
Nerve fibers crossing between the two hemispheres via the corpus callosum link together the two sides of the cerebrum, conscious-male and subconscious-female, to produce one whole, united, integrated central computer via which the superconscious mind/I Am Self/light body can anchor into and express in and through the physical body.
Christ Jesus' Female Disciples
As was detailed in last week's blog, Jesus the Christ in the three years of his public ministry spoke only of the Father aspect or polarity of God. However, as the Master wayshower or Prince of the planet, he obviously was fully familiar with the Mother aspect. He had twelve apostles, all of whom were men, but as we shall see later, they functioned together as six Father/active/positive polarities combined with six Mother/receptive/negative polarities. Thus, faith as the Father/active polarity functions as a team with strength as the Mother/receptive polarity--cerebral directives (faith) are transmitted to all other parts of the body by way of our spinal cord and nerves (strength).
Moreover, Jesus had numerous prominent female followers or disciples who traveled with him and the 12 male apostles. This was rather radical for his day and culture, where male teachers, mentors and Rabbis had only men in their immediate circles. The Jewish authorities--the Pharisees, scribes and lawyers--were highly critical of Jesus because of his open association with, and incorporation of, women in his key followers.
Jesus' female disciples/followers included Mary Magdalene, Joanna (the wife of Chuza the steward of Herod), Shoshanna and many other women who served him (Luke 8.3). Mary Magdalene was perhaps the chief feminine follower/disciple; she is mentioned twelve times in the Gospels, many more times than most of the 12 male apostles.
Demons or Devils
Mary Magdalene was said to have had seven demons or devils in her, not specified, which Jesus removed or exorcised. In general, the word "demons" in the New Testament refers to lower astral entities who attach themselves to those incarnated on Earth; causing physical disease, mental illness and all kinds of other dysfunctions in those whom they control and manipulate from the lowest astral planes. Moreover, any person with a disease that physicians of those days did not understand or could not treat successfully was often diagnosed as being possessed by "demons" or "devils".
However, in the present day, we know that diseases like epilepsy, which was thought in Jesus' time to be due to demonic possession, actually is a malfunctioning of the electrical circuits in the cerebrum, causing seizures or epileptic fits. It has little to do with astral attachments, although in some cases such can be involved; and are not comprehended by the vast majority of today's doctors who only deal with, and understand, the physical body.
Metaphysical Interpretation
Furthermore, "demons" and "devils" symbolically represent the selfish feelings that lead to dysfunction of our soul. Thus, Charles Fillmore, writes in his Metaphysical Bible Dictionary: "Through Jesus seven demons were cast out of Mary Magdalene. This means that the I in man, the directive will or higher Self raised to divine understanding and power, releases the soul from the emotional errors that have their existence in the unregenerated feelings, and establishes peace and poise in the consciousness. As the soul is purified and lifted day by day out of the bondage of the errors (demons), it pours out upon the whole body consciousness more and more of its wealth of substance, life, and love. More especially are this devotion and service directed to the I Am in the individual--represented by Jesus--thus greatly aiding it in its ministry of Truth throughout the organism.
"We [especially men] may have been inclined to belittle the value of the feminine side of our nature. The feelings and affections, which are the seat of the emotions in our unredeemed state, belong to the soul. The purification of the soul and the wealth of its devoted, sustaining qualities are needed in the the regeneration of the body, as much as is the quickening of the [twelve male apostles who portray the twelve I Am powers of the mind]. Both soul and understanding (love and wisdom) must enter into our affirmations of Truth if those affirmations are really to become substance and life to us."
Every Disciple Has "Demons"
Given the short account in the Gospels about Jesus removing the seven demons from Mary Magdalene, we cannot know whether she had seven astral attachments or seven devilish or demonic feelings that Jesus healed; or even some combination of both. (For, in general terms, we cannot have astral attachments unless we have mental/emotional/soul errors and imbalances that attract such attachments to us and allows them to take and keep hold of us.)
Like Mary Magdalene, each one of us as a disciple/follower of Christ Jesus, whether we are in a male or female body, has to remove "seven" demons in our faith faculty as we birth our light body; with such "demons" or "devils" including feeling separate from God (the original sin), disbelief, distrust, fear, anxiety, arrogance and selfishness.
This was clearly evident, for example, in the apostle Simon Peter who portrayed masculine faith in/of our Father. Time and again during Jesus' three years of public ministry, Peter took two steps forward in faith, only to take one step back into his doubts, fears, anxieties, despair, disbelief and other "demons". For example, at the time of Jesus' trial, after previously proclaiming that he would die for Jesus, he denied even knowing him or being his disciple three times before the cock crowed; as Jesus had prophesied. He was not present at the foot of the cross when Jesus was crucified.
On the other hand, Mary Magdalene, representing feminine faith in/of the Mother, was at the foot of the cross with Mary, Jesus' mother. As given in the Gospel of John 19.25, with Mary Magdalene and mother Mary were the sister of Jesus' mother and Mary Cleopas.
John, representing divine love, was the only one of the eleven male apostles (Judas had deserted and would hang himself) to be at the foot of the cross. Jesus, before he died, directed John to take care of his mother; who as Sol-O-Man/Mary is his twin soul on the Seventh Ray.
(John was an incarnation of Kut Humi, Chohan or Director of the Second Ray of Understanding and Wisdom. He and Sol-O-Man/Mary incarnated together when she was King Solomon, as given in MAPP to Aquarius, p. 246; and they had a strong inner plane connection when Kut Humi along with El Morya, in their light-body appearances to Jesus, guided and taught him when he was old enough to receive such instruction, as noted in MAPP to Aquarius, p. 179.)
Mary Magdalene at Resurrection
Moreover, Mary Magdalene, in the early morning hours on the Monday following Jesus' crucifixion, was the first one to go to his tomb and to see that the stone covering its entrance had been rolled away. When she entered the tomb, she discovered that the physical corpse of Jesus was not there. She went and told Peter and John about this; they came and saw the same thing and then went back to their lodging place.
But Mary Magdalene remained and was standing near the tomb when she saw two angels in white sitting at what would have been the head and feet of Jesus' body. When she turned around, she saw Jesus in his resurrected light body, whom she thought was the gardener, standing before her. Then, Jesus called to her by name and she recognized him. And he said, "Touch me not for I have not yet ascended"--he had not fully anchored his fourth dimensional light form. Mary Magdalene again went and shared what she had experienced with the disciples, saying that she had seen the resurrected Christ Jesus. That evening, he first appeared in his light body behind closed doors to the male apostles in the "upper room."
Thus, Jesus first appeared after his resurrection not to one of his male apostles but to his chief female disciple, Mary Magdalene. In spiritual terms, this followed the universal, step-by-step process by which the superconscious, Christ or I Am Self first reveals Itself to the feminine subconscious or soul via dreams, visions and intuition; which then relays the superconscious reality, presence and input to the masculine conscious mind.
False Church Teaching Rectified
Despite how evidential Mary Magdalene's demonstration was, Pope Gregory I in his sermon of 591 A.D. falsely conflated her with the woman sinner/prostitute who wet Jesus' feet with her tears, and wiped them with the hair of her head, and kissed his feet and anointed them with perfume. (Luke 7:38). (To conflate means "to combine into a composite text or reading from various sources.") Thus, Pope Gregory arbitrarily, supposedly via divine inspiration, merged the story of Mary Magdalene with that of the sinner/prostitute; thereby decreeing that Mary Magdalene was a prostitute in addition to one who had seven demons removed from her.
Not until 1969 did the Catholic Church correct Pope Gregory I's misjudgment and state officially that Mary Magdalene was distinct from the sinful woman mentioned in Luke. (The Eastern Orthodox Christian Church never had accepted this conflation of the two separate women.) Then, in 2016, Pope Francis changed the Catholic liturgical celebration honoring Mary Magdalene from a memorial to a feast, thereby putting her on a par with the male apostles.
However, going back to Pope Gregory I, his decree about Mary Magdalene being a former prostitute, whether consciously intended or not, demeaned Mary Magdalene as the chief female disciple of Jesus; and the key role she as a woman had played in his crucifixion and resurrection--she was a whore, healed by Jesus but still a former prostitute. The male dominated hierarchy of the church thereby squelched the power and leadership of women in the church. Even today, the Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Church are dominated by men--women cannot be ordained as priests. At least in many Protestant churches, women now are ordained as ministers.
Yolanda Transmutes Her Soul
On February 17, 1976, when Yolanda was in the first phase of her sixth major initiation of crucifixion-resurrection, Sananda explained her test in healing her soul relationship with her soul mate [Edward]: "Edward's role in your life is similar to Mary Magdalene's in my life as Jesus. . . . Nada-Yolanda, playing the subconscious role in this trinity demonstration [of Sananda-superconscious, El Morya-conscious and Nada-subconscious], also had to have an expression of saving or releasing a soul on the opposite polarity in selflessness, without physical rewards or contacts of a sexual nature. As I released Mary from the devils which plagued her and, in return, she followed me and had to express a straight course of action without love-sex fulfillment, so you have had to experience a similar relationship. This is to prove that the inner plane work and understanding of one polarity or another can work without ceasing and completely unselfishly, in order to free another.
"Your work on the inner planes will be an example set for the subconscious aspects of mankind. Through these lines of force, many souls can be saved--even in spite of themselves and certainly without understanding the mechanism of the spiritual effort. Edward will be healed as you have asked consistently and without credit to yourself. This is the way it must be. If you had had physical satisfaction with him, it would not, it could not have counted for the same purpose."
Despite this channeling, Yolanda at the soul/personality level still struggled throughout her sixth initiation and her seventh major initiation of ascension and redescent with hoping for and supposedly receiving spiritual guidance that she would have a physical reunion with and marriage to Edward. It was not until December 12, 2002, when she was in the seventh phase of her seventh major initiation, that El Morya/Mark as the conscious representative contacted and corrected her: "Your vigilance is not on track. . . . When we were on Earth together [he had made his transition (died) in 1981], I did not then and do not now trust your association and communications with Edward. You are deceiving yourself. It will never manifest in any physical way." And it never did the rest of her life.
Thus, to use the metaphysical interpretation of "demons" and "devils", Yolanda had to transmute her soul errors and personal, romantic desires right up until the seventh phase of her seventh major initiation. This means that as long as we live in a physical body, we will have some residue of "demons" and "devils," some imbalances and distortions of our subconscious feeling nature which have to be transmuted with faith and love divine. Therefore, until we ascend, we still work with having the faith in/of Mother God, whose divine love finally lifts our soul/astral body into our fourth dimensional light body.
Second Coming Assured
Despite Nada-Yolanda's soul-emotional struggles, she had persisted in her spiritual mission. On January 2, 2002, Sananda had conveyed to Yolanda: "Your karma with Edward has been erased." In a dream on March 10, 2003, Yolanda received that she had attained the prophecy given by Sananda and Uriel that she had a demonstration [of a spiritual, selfless, non-physical, marriage-mission] to perform with Edward for the entire human race on Earth as it evolves into the light body of the fourth dimension. On November 23, 2003, when Phillel and I were with her, Nada made this stunning announcement through Yolanda: "We did it. I broke through the transmutation. I am the first. The rest will follow. . . . The Second Coming of Jesus the Christ is assured." In the next two years, Yolanda completed her full seventh phase of her seventh initiation. When she made her transition on November 8, 2005, she rose into her ascended light body.
(We hope to publish the above material, and much more about all of Nada-Yolanda's seven major initiations, sometime in the next year or two, in our Mark-Age text Seven Steps to Christhood: Opening Seven Seals in Seven Major Interpretations.)
Balanced Male-Female Polarity
Meanwhile, going back to February 21, 1960, El Morya/Mark and Nada/Yolanda officially had founded Mark-Age MetaCenter in Miami, FL as the central focus for the externalization of the Hierarchal Board on Earth. Thus, they enacted and demonstrated the Father-Mother principle. El Morya/Mark portrayed the masculine conscious mind, whereas Nada-Yolanda represented the female subconscious mind, with Sananda-Jesus demonstrating the governing superconscious mind.
From the start of Nada-Yolanda's automatic writings and vocal channelings, she wrote and spoke of God as Father-Mother God. (However, as noted in MAPP to Aquarius, p. 326, a total of 52 names for God were given to her in her channelings; including Creative Energy, Divine Mind, Maker, Source and Spirit.) Moreover, the Mark-Age staff consisted of men and women, not in any set formula or number, but they consistently contained members of both genders.
In time, Sananda-Jesus channeled via Nada-Yolanda that the Mark-Age staff was to consist of at least 12 members, in order to provide the necessary variations and examples (as did the 12 male apostles of Jesus) to uplift all of humanity. During the later years in Miami and when in Davie (Ft. Lauderdale), FL to anchor in the new I Am Nation, the staff did contain at least twelve members, including men and women. When Mark-Age moved to Tennessee to establish the permanent I Am Nation headquarters there, that number diminished as numerous staff left and aborted their spiritual missions. Currently, only Phillel and I remain. But as Jesus said, where two or more are gathered in my name, there I am in the midst of you.
Cocoon Of Light
With all of this long background explanation, we are ready to go into meditation in order to commune and be one with our Divine Mother, to have faith in and of Her, to have the faith that She has entrusted in us as Her beloved child, whether we are in a male or female body.
To start, wrap yourself in a cocoon of Christ light that is about one-two feet away from your physical body, thereby enclosing and protecting your auric field that is composed of your mental, emotional and soul-astral bodies. Leave only the top of the cocoon open, with a pole of light extending upward from the crown chakra/cerebrum to the throne of God the Mother and to Sol-O-Man/Mary who sits to her left (a feminine version of Revelation 22.1). Note that in its form the cocoon symbolically is feminine: it is ovoid or egg-shaped, with round curves, and no straight lines or angles like in a symbolically masculine triangle, cube or pyramid.
To guide and aid you inside your cocoon during your meditations, call especially upon Sol-O-Man/Mary, who is Sananda's twin soul on the Seventh Ray. Just as Jesus represents the son of God in us when we are in male embodiment, so Sol-O-Man portrays the daughter of God when we are in female embodiment. Sol-O-Man/Mary will show you the way to our Mother God, such that you perceive Her, believe in Her and be one with Her.
Link also with and ask for guidance from Mary Magdalene. Note that her name Mary is the same as that of Mary, mother of Jesus. Whether you are in a male or female body, she will help you to remove the emotional "demons" or "devils" in your subconscious, soul, feminine, emotional nature that block you from full communion with our Mother.
Join in consciousness also with Glo-Ria, feminine twin soul of El Morya of the First Ray of Will, Power and Faith. Glo-Ria has the feminine faith of the First Ray that she can augment in you, thereby lifting you more easily into the Mother's presence and power.
Finally, unite as one with Nada, who in the trinity of Sananda-El Morya-Nada, portrayed feminine faith in the Mother. Even without Mark's physical presence (he made his transition in 1981 and is now the leader of the light worker in the astral planes), she completed and demonstrated fully her seventh major initiation of ascension and redescent. Moreover she is the Co-Chohan with Sananda of the Seventh Ray of peace, love and rest.
Be As A Little Girl
To paraphrase Christ-Jesus, be like a little girl in order to enter the heavenly realms of our Mother. (If you currently are incarnated as a woman, this will be easy to comprehend and enact. If you are now a male, remember that in past incarnations, you were a woman; and that your soul/feeling nature/subconscious is feminine.) Just as an innocent, pure-minded girl loves his/her Mommy and relishes her hugs that comfort her, imagine our Divine Mother/Mama holding you in her cosmic arms as you snuggle into her heavenly bosom. (Little boys likewise love the feminine support, comfort, nurturance and hugs of their Mama.)
Be still and know Mother God. In the silence, practice her Feminine Presence and Power. Especially by the end of this week, have faith not only in our Mother but have the faith of our Mother, whose Maternal Cosmic Vibrations are all around you and in you as one. Her faith and your faith are one faith in the Divine.
Five Steps To Healing
After focusing on yourself, shift your focus and concentrate on healing the relationship with your mother of this lifetime. For, as a young child, you first learned about the Mother polarity of God by observing and interacting with your personal Mama. Or, focus on your grandmother or aunt who raised you, or with any stepmothers you may have had.
To prepare for this healing work, follow the same five steps that you did in your healing work with your father. (In time, utilizing these five steps will become automatic, but for now it is helpful to review and re-apply them in healing yourself and your mother.)
In the first step, visualize crystal clear liquid-light coming down from the heavenly throne of Mother God and of her daughter, Sol-O-Man/Mary. When the liquid-light pours into your crown chakra/cerebrum, it changes into a vivid royal blue light/energy that charges, uplifts and quickens your cerebrum with feminine faith in our Mother. (Royal blue is the color that corresponds to faith; it is a deep, bright blue, lighter than Navy blue.)
In the second step, the royal blue liquid-light flows down into your all-seeing, third eye that is your imagination center. Via this clear window or mirror to the etheric realms, you receive new I Am images of your mother of this lifetime; maybe your all-seeing eye is flooded with royal blue light that you radiate to your Mama, which quickens her feminine faith faculty.
In the third step, the royal blue energy flows down into your throat chakra that is your will and power center, and out your arms to your hands. Your hands become transmitters of faith-filled power that you broadcast to your mama, or that you use to do auric balancing or hand's-on healing with her.
In the fourth step, the royal-blue faith power flows down your spine, and out your legs to your feet. You are now grounded in faith. You stand on "hallowed ground."
Finally, in the fifth step, with five representing healing of the Fifth Ray, feel the royal blue light-energy entering and quickening your heart chakra/physical heart. For, love is the key to all healing. Love carries with it the power to heal all disease. Be renewed in feeling and having faith in the Love of God and Love of One Another. Then, the royal blue light travels to and fills all your other chakras and organs, and your whole aura.
See The Mother In Your Mama
Now, visualize your mother standing or sitting right in front of you, about 3-4 feet away from you. The edge of your aura touches and meshes with the edge of your aura. The two of you are one in faith, one in love, one in the Mother.
Your mother may have been an excellent, faith-filled mama; she even may have spoken of cosmic principles, although she probably did not mention Mother God since that has not been a common belief or terminology. On the other hand, like the vast majority of mothers on Earth in these Latter Days, she may have had numerous flaws or "demons" that needed to be healed; which affected you emotionally and helped to shape the feeling nature of your early character.
Therefore, see the Mother in your mother. Visualize your mama becoming aware of and one with the Mother-of-God aspect within her. See her being the healthy, holy, happy, faith-filled, loving mother that she already is in I Am consciousness.
Envision her cerebrum and eventually her whole body being filled with royal blue light that you project to her via via your third-eye or out through your upraised hands. Maybe you mostly speak the word: The Mother is in my mother, uplifting, healing and transforming her. If you have trouble forgiving any particularly painful memory of your Mom, then ask our Mother to forgive your mama, for she knew not what she did.
However you are guided to proceed, your feeling nature and soul are healed and so are hers. (This usually is not a sudden, dramatic, so-called miraculous healing such as Christ Jesus performed as a physical proof that he was the Messiah; and which decrystallized embedded karmic knots or soul blockages within those being healed. Rather, the vast majority of the healings of your own soul and of those with whom you work will take place slowly, gradually, in a two-steps forward, one-step back, and then two more steps forward, in an upward spiraling pattern.)
Whether your mother is now on Earth or in the astral planes, your faith in Mother God quickens both of you. If your former mama now resides in the astral planes, she has her own set of teachers there, so your focus is not on the astral level. But you may get progress reports from her or about her in your dreams, visions and moments of clairsentience.
Yolanda Forgives Her Mother
Below is Nada-Yolanda's experience in healing the relationship with her mother in 1997--Yolanda was 72 years old at the time, in the fifth phase of her seventh major initiation. Her example reveals how our work with our parents may continue throughout our life.
On April 30th of that year, Yolanda communed with her former sister, Leonora, in the higher astral planes: "I [Yolanda] told [Leonora] that I was feeling discomfort in my solar plexus. . . . I began sobbing when I recalled events involving our mother, Esther. In fact, I sensed that Leonora had brought Esther into my force field at this point. I cried, 'Mother, forgive me as I have forgiven you.' . . . I reviewed all the memories in which Esther and I were in opposition, abusive, cruel, and wrong about each other. I had thought these things had been released [italics added], . . . but I soon recognized that there was still a level of memory and unkind thoughts about her feelings, words and actions against me. As I released all the negative things between her and me, and I replaced them with memories and gratitude for all her positive qualities, . . . the discomfort in my solar solar plexus disappeared."
Three and a half years later, on October 29, 2000, Leonora informed Yolanda: "Our mother, Esther, finally has had the breakthrough necessary for her to progress to the next step. She now sees and accepts the spiritual mission you always had pursued. She is free from the soul knots which had held her back for so many years."
Mother Faith In The 144,000
Especially by the end of this week, radiate your newly experienced faith in/of the Mother to all of the 144,000 elect all around the globe. See them being inspired to perceive anew the Presence and Power of the Mother, to believe in it, and to be and demonstrate it in their daily prayers and physical projects. By our collective faith in our Mother, we prepare the way for the spiritual awakening of all mankind on Earth and in the astral realms, thereby paving the way for the second coming of Sananda/Jesus and of Sol-O-Man/Mary in their light bodies.
As we perceive it and believe it, so shall it be, in our Father-Mother God's good time and way!
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This is a long, multi-leveled and multi-topic blog, so you may wish to download it, print it out and put it in a folder or 3-ringed binder so that you can re-read and review it several times this week. With each reading, new inspiration will come to you as to how you can apply some part of it.
(It took me almost a week to research and write all of it, as I kept being led to interesting aspects to include. I found the material, especially that about Mary Magdalene, to be so fascinating and revealing, that I decided to include it despite its length. Hopefully, you will find it equally eye-opening and uplifting.)
Enjoy! And let me know how it goes. Send an email to me at [email protected].